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BTS: Filming 2 Skate Videos At Once

Will Lloyd filming Jake Bowman, Noseslide 360 shuv out
Will Lloyd filming Jake Bowman, Noseslide Bigspin out

Photos by Nick Gibson

Words by Brandon Herbert

Back in the early days of Arkansas Skateboarding, we were hard-pressed to find a time when 2 videos were dropping at one time. Pioneers like Mike Hawkins would make sure to grace us with drops when local shredders' content amounted. However, large-in-part regularly released local skate content was not common. But in an era where skate content is ingested, digested for the duration of the video, then regurgitated back in Instagram reposts, video makers all over the world are constantly on the grind to create and release the next great skate film. Two of those skate filmmakers, Will Lloyd(Day Vision/Capture Party) and Kyle Batker(God Bless Cowgirls/Smother), can even find themselves filming for the same project at the same time, in the same place.

Its not too farfetched. The Northwest Arkansas and Little Rock connection has been strong for years, across many different hang groups too. Its a good feeling to know our state is so united as time goes on. And with some of the best spots being found in both NWA and LR, it's very common to see groups from each of the areas coming to each other to get some clips. Furthermore, with the winter seasons being fairly mild, it's made for some very opportune times to skate Arkansas.

Anthony Dezaldivar, Front 5-0 with Kyle Batker filming in the background
Anthony Dezaldivar, Front 5-0 with Kyle Batker filming in the background

Both upcoming videos are in all honestly, HIGHLY sought after by the community and for them to cross paths in the streets is nothing more than fitting. Take a look at these photos Nick Gibson shots during a one of these very meetups that just can't help but be desirable. High stoked and chill vibes is the name of the game, out pours internets gold from the Arkansas Boys. Good thing Nick got us a sneak peek behind the scene into what's to come for both future projects. The skate talent in Arkansas is heavier than ever, as seen here by Jake Bowman, Anthony Dezaldivar and Connor Crist.

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Sep 14, 2022


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