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Event // Boardertown Spring Break Contest

Updated: Jan 11, 2022

Are you following Boardertown Skateshop on Instagram, you know that the newest of the news is of the Spring Break Street Video Contest being held in light of this great weather we've been having. The seasonal shift is well needed and what better way for skaters to connect with the earth, than to cruise the streets and get some clips along the way.

We caught up with the guys to talk to them about the contest and there is already great hype built up just 2 days into the week. Here's what Boardertown's Instagram account tells us:

So grab your board, head out with your crew, stack some clips and send them in and let the illustrious panel of judges HOLD YOUR FATE IN THEIR HANDS!!! *cue evil laugh track* We will be posting up the winner on as well so don't forget to include #gnarkansas to up your chances ;)

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